Exhibition News

Lettre International

Lettre No. 144 presents works by Mathias Deutsch.

Lettre International is an independent magazine of culture with an international scope that is financed solely through the sale of its issues and the revenue raised by advertisements. Lettre is an interdisciplinary intellectual forum and does not subscribe to any political program. Published four times a year, Lettre International features a high-caliber, provocative design that combines texts and visuals. Proceeding from the most diverse positions and perspectives, authors from every global region speak out about burning, but also obscure, topics. The texts, which include a number of “discoveries,” consist exclusively of publications never before published in German. Lettre introduced many renowned authors to readers in German-speaking countries by making their translations available for the very first time. Every issue is designed exclusively by a single artist.
Exhibition News

Schmaltz kills

Schmaltz kills!

Sascha Appelhoff
Arthur Cohen
Mathias Deutsch
Hannah van Ginkel
Sandra Schlipkoeter
Eva Schwab
Tobias Sternberg
Daniel Wiesenfeld

Tiger Strikes Asteroid NY

1329 Willoughby Ave #2A, Brooklyn NY 11237
Hours: Sat and Sun 1 pm – 6 pm and by appointment

Opening: Saturday, February 18, 6-10 pm
Duration: Feb 18 – March 26, 2023

What do the following items have in common:

an axe with a shaft so hollowed out, it would instantly break when lifted
a set of horizons created by scanning nothing
a set of landscapes created by cleaning brushes
an image of a woman morphing into a mushroom cloud
an image of a naked man in piles of clothpatterns of interference bleeding into the wall
a collage of disabled peace doves

You ask me – schmaltz kills!

Tiger Strikes Asteroid NY is pleased to present Schmaltz kills! a group show that brings together works by eight artists affiliated with the Berlin-based project space Hilbert Raum ( This is part of the larger 5×5 exhibition exchange, which first took place in Berlin, in March 2022.